Skip Thomas and Woody Murray are the backbone of Serve.
Since the early 80s, each has worked with attorneys, paralegals, court clerks and judges to develop protocols for the effective execution of due process. And through utter due diligence each has earned his stripes.
Then in 1996, they founded Serve Legal process, inc and immediately began earning a reputation with law firms and corporate legal departments for integrity and dependability. Today, they wear these badges of honor proudly as they focus — with a troop of rock-solid process servers all across the US, Canada and the Caribbean — on filing lawsuits, and locating defendants and witnesses to get them properly served.
Skip Thomas: “We believe in honest and open communication with everyone involved. That includes those being served. We want them to understand it is their due process we are helping ensure.”
Never resting on its laurels, Serve Legal process, inc will continue to innovate in ways that are relevant, convenient and cost-effective. Today, it's paper writs. Tomorrow, all will be electronic of course. But rest assured we'll be there at the forefront, delivering the kind of service you've gotten used to. On our honor we will always do our best.